Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (ELPA) 2023.11.001.rc1
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elpa_api::elpa_autotune_set_api_version_i Interface Reference

abstract definition of the autotune set_api_verion method Parameters More...

Public Member Functions

subroutine elpa_autotune_set_api_version_i (self, api_version, error)

Detailed Description

abstract definition of the autotune set_api_verion method Parameters

selfclass(elpa_t): the ELPA object, which should be tuned
api_versioninteger: the api_version that should be used

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ elpa_autotune_set_api_version_i()

subroutine elpa_api::elpa_autotune_set_api_version_i::elpa_autotune_set_api_version_i ( class(elpa_t), intent(inout), target  self,
integer, intent(in)  api_version,
integer, optional  error 

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