Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (ELPA)  2020.11.001
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elpa_solve_tridiagonal_ELPA_IMPL_SUFFIX_i Interface Reference

abstract definition of interface to solve the eigenvalue problem for a valued tridiangular matrix More...

Public Member Functions

subroutine elpa_solve_tridiagonal_ELPA_IMPL_SUFFIX_i (self, d, e, q, error)

Detailed Description

abstract definition of interface to solve the eigenvalue problem for a valued tridiangular matrix

The dimensions of the matrix a (locally ditributed and global), the block-cylic-distribution block size, and the MPI communicators are already known to the object and MUST be set BEFORE with the class method "setup"


selfclass(elpa_t), the ELPA object
ddouble real 1d array: the diagonal elements of a matrix defined in setup, on output the eigenvalues in ascending order
edouble real 1d array: the subdiagonal elements of a matrix defined in setup
qdouble real matrix: on output contains the eigenvectors
dsingle real 1d array: the diagonal elements of a matrix defined in setup, on output the eigenvalues in ascending order
esingle real 1d array: the subdiagonal elements of a matrix defined in setup
qsingle real matrix: on output contains the eigenvectors
errorinteger, optional : error code, which can be queried with elpa_strerr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ elpa_solve_tridiagonal_ELPA_IMPL_SUFFIX_i()

subroutine elpa_solve_tridiagonal_ELPA_IMPL_SUFFIX_i::elpa_solve_tridiagonal_ELPA_IMPL_SUFFIX_i ( class(elpa_t self,
real(kind=c_real_datatype), dimension(self%na)  d,
real(kind=c_real_datatype), dimension(self%na)  e,
real(kind=c_real_datatype), dimension(self%local_nrows,self%local_ncols)  q,
integer, optional  error 

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