EigenvalueSoLversforPetaflop-Applications(ELPA)  2016.05.003
Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NELPA1Fortran module which provides the routines to use the one-stage ELPA solver
 Cget_elpa_row_col_commsGet_elpa_row_col_comms: old, deprecated Fortran function to create the MPI communicators for ELPA. Better use "elpa_get_communicators"
 Csolve_evp_complexSolve_evp_complex: old, deprecated Fortran function to solve the complex eigenvalue problem with 1-stage solver. Better use "solve_evp_complex_1stage"
 Csolve_evp_realSolve_evp_real: old, deprecated Fortran function to solve the real eigenvalue problem with 1-stage solver. Better use "solve_evp_real_1stage"
 Ccholesky_complexOld, deprecated interface cholesky_complex: Cholesky factorization of a complex hermitian matrix
 Ccholesky_realOld, deprecated interface cholesky_real: Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric matrix
 Cinvert_trm_complexOld, deprecated interface invert_trm_complex: Inverts a complex upper triangular matrix
 Cinvert_trm_realOld, deprecated interface invert_trm_real: Inverts a upper triangular matrix
 Cmult_ah_b_complexOld, deprecated interface mult_ah_b_complex: Performs C : = A**H * B where A is a square matrix (na,na) which is optionally upper or lower triangular B is a (na,ncb) matrix C is a (na,ncb) matrix where optionally only the upper or lower triangle may be computed
 Cmult_at_b_realMult_at_b_real: Performs C : = A**T * B this is the old, deprecated interface for the newer elpa_mult_at_b_real where A is a square matrix (na,na) which is optionally upper or lower triangular B is a (na,ncb) matrix C is a (na,ncb) matrix where optionally only the upper or lower triangle may be computed