Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (ELPA) 2025.01.001.rc1
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Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (ELPA)

Abstract definition of the elpa_t type

Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (ELPA)

The ELPA library was originally created by the ELPA consortium, consisting of the following organizations:
  • Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF) formerly known as Rechenzentrum Garching der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (RZG),
  • Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Lehrstuhl für angewandte Informatik,
  • Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Wissenschaftliches Rechnen ,
  • Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Abt. Theorie,
  • Max-Plack-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig, Abt. Komplexe Strukutren in Biologie und Kognition, and
  • IBM Deutschland GmbH

Some parts and enhancements of ELPA have been contributed and authored by the Intel Corporation and Nvidia Corporation, which are not part of the ELPA consortium.

Maintainance and development of the ELPA library is done by the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF)

Futher support of the ELPA library is done by the ELPA-AEO consortium, consisting of the following organizations:

  • Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF) formerly known as Rechenzentrum Garching der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (RZG),
  • Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Lehrstuhl für angewandte Informatik,
  • Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Wissenschaftliches Rechnen ,
  • Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für theoretische Chemie,
  • Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Abt. Theorie

Contributions to the ELPA source have been authored by (in alphabetical order):

T. Auckenthaler, Volker Blum, A. Heinecke, L. Huedepohl, R. Johanni, Werner Jürgens, Pavel Kus, and A. Marek

All the important information is in the elpa_api::elpa_t derived type

Since ELPA needs (in case of MPI builds) that the matix is block-cyclic distributed the user has to ensure this distribution before calling ELPA. Experience shows, that it is very important that the user checks the return code of 'descinit' to check whether the block-cyclic distribution is valid. Note that ELPA relies on a valid block-cyclic distribution and might show unexpected behavior if this has not been ensured before calling ELPA.

A typical usage of ELPA might look like this:

Fortran synopsis

use elpa
class(elpa_t), pointer :: elpaInstance
integer :: success
! We urge the user to always check the error code of all ELPA functions
if (elpa_init(20211125) /= elpa_ok) then
print *,
stop 1
elpa => elpa_allocate(success)
if (success /= elpa_ok) then
print *,
! set parameters decribing the matrix and it's MPI distribution
call elpaistance%set(, na, success, success)
if (success /= elpa_ok) then
print *,
call elpainstance%set(, nev, success, success)
! check success code ...
call elpainstance%set(, na_rows, success)
! check success code ...
call elpainstance%set(, na_cols, success)
call elpainstance%set(, nblk, success)
call elpainstance%set(, mpi_comm_world, success)
call elpainstance%set(, my_prow, success)
call elpainstance%set(, my_pcol, success)
! set up the elpa object
success = elpainstance%setup()
if (succes /= elpa_ok) then
print *,
! settings for GPU:
! supported are the keywords , and
call elpainstance%set(, 1, success) ! 1=on, 2=off
! in case of GPU usage you have the choice whether ELPA
! should automatically assign each MPI task to a certain GPU
! (this is default) or whether you want to set this assignment
! for _each_ task yourself
! set assignment your self (only using one task here and assigning it
! to GPU id 1)
if (my_rank .eq. 0) call elpainstance%set(, 1, success)
success = elpainstance%setup_gpu()
if (succes /= elpa_ok) then
print *,
! if desired, set tunable run-time options
! here we want to use the 2-stage solver
call elpainstance%set(, elpa_solver_2stage, success)
! and set a specific kernel (must be supported on the machine)
! the CALLING order is important: you have FIRST to set the solver to ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE
! and THEN you can choose a kernel other than the DEFAULT kernel
call elpainstance%set(, elpa_2stage_real_avx_block2)
class(elpa_t) function, pointer elpa_allocate(error)
function to allocate an ELPA instance Parameters
Definition elpa.F90:365
int elpa_init(int api_version)
Definition syclCommon.hpp:54

... set and get all other options that are desired

! if wanted you can store the settings and load them in another program
call elpa%store_settings(, success)
! use method solve to solve the eigenvalue problem to obtain eigenvalues
! and eigenvectors
! other possible methods are desribed in \ref elpa_api::elpa_t derived type
call elpainstance%eigenvectors(a, ev, z, success)
! cleanup
call elpa_deallocate(e, success)
subroutine elpa_deallocate(obj, error)
function to deallocate an ELPA instance Parameters
Definition elpa.F90:405
void elpa_uninit(int *error)

C synopsis

#include <elpa/elpa.h>
elpa_t handle;
int error;
/* We urge the user to always check the error code of all ELPA functions */
if (elpa_init(20211125) != ELPA_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, );
handle = elpa_allocate(&error);
if (error != ELPA_OK) {
/* do sth. */
/* Set parameters the matrix and it's MPI distribution */
elpa_set(handle, , na, &error);
elpa_set(handle, , nev, &error);
elpa_set(handle, , na_rows, &error);
elpa_set(handle, , na_cols, &error);
elpa_set(handle, , nblk, &error);
elpa_set(handle, , MPI_Comm_c2f(MPI_COMM_WORLD), &error);
elpa_set(handle, , my_prow, &error);
elpa_set(handle, , my_pcol, &error);
/* Setup */
error = elpa_setup(handle);
/* if desired, set tunable run-time options */
/* here we want to use the 2-stage solver */
elpa_set(handle, , ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE, &error);
/* settings for GPU */
/* supported keywords are , and */
elpa_set(handle, , 1, &error); /* 1=on, 2=off */
/* in case of GPU usage you have the choice whether ELPA
should automatically assign each MPI task to a certain GPU
(this is default) or whether you want to set this assignment
for _each_ task yourself
set assignment your self (only using one task here and assigning it
to GPU id 1) */
if (my_rank == 0) elpa_set(handle, , 1, &error);
error = elpa_setup_gpu(handle);
/* and set a specific kernel (must be supported on the machine)
the CALLING order is important: you have FIRST to set the solver to ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE
and THEN you can choose a kernel other than the DEFAULT kernel */
struct elpa_struct * elpa_t
Definition elpa.h:10
Definition elpa_constants.h:29
Definition elpa_constants.h:84
Definition elpa_constants.h:145
int elpa_setup(elpa_t handle)
C interface for the implementation of the elpa_setup method.
int elpa_setup_gpu(elpa_t handle)
C interface for the implementation of the elpa_autotune_deallocate method.
#define elpa_set(e, name, value, error)
generic C method for elpa_set
Definition elpa_generic.h:22

... set and get all other options that are desired

/* if you want you can store the settings and load them in another program */
/* use method solve to solve the eigenvalue problem */
/* other possible methods are desribed in \ref elpa_api::elpa_t derived type */
elpa_eigenvectors(handle, a, ev, z, &error);
/* cleanup */
elpa_deallocate(handle, &error);
void elpa_store_settings(elpa_t handle, const char *filename, int *error)
C interface for the implementation of the elpa_store_settings method.
#define elpa_eigenvectors(handle, a, ev, q, error)
generic C method for elpa_eigenvectors
Definition elpa_generic.h:90

the autotuning could be used like this:

Fortran synopsis

use elpa
class(elpa_t), pointer :: elpa
class(elpa_autotune_t), pointer :: tune_state
integer :: success
if (elpa_init(20211125) /= elpa_ok) then
print *,
stop 1
elpa => elpa_allocate(success)
! set parameters decribing the matrix and it's MPI distribution
call elpa%set(, na, success)
call elpa%set(, nev, success)
call elpa%set(, na_rows, success)
call elpa%set(, na_cols, success)
call elpa%set(, nblk, success)
call elpa%set(, mpi_comm_world, success)
call elpa%set(, my_prow, success)
call elpa%set(, my_pcol, success)
! set up the elpa object
success = elpa%setup()
! create autotune object
tune_state => elpa%autotune_setup(elpa_autotune_fast, elpa_autotune_domain_real, success)
! you can set some options, these will be then FIXED for the autotuning step
! if desired, set tunable run-time options
! here we want to use the 2-stage solver
call e%set(, elpa_solver_2stage, success)
! and set a specific kernel (must be supported on the machine)
! the CALLING order is important: you have FIRST to set the solver to ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE
! and THEN you can choose a kernel other than the DEFAULT kernel
call e%set(, elpa_2stage_real_avx_block2, success)

... set and get all other options that are desired

iter = 0
do while (elpa%autotune_step(tune_state, success))
iter = iter + 1
call e%eigenvectors(a, ev, z, success)
! if needed you can save the autotune state at any point
! and resume it
if (iter > max_iter) then
call elpa%autotune_save_state(tune_state,, success)
!set and print the finished autotuning
call elpa%autotune_set_best(tune_state, success)
! store _TUNED_ ELPA object, if needed
call elpa%store(, success)
!deallocate autotune object
call elpa_autotune_deallocate(tune_state, success)
! cleanup
call elpa_deallocate(e, success)
subroutine elpa_autotune_deallocate(obj, error)
function to deallocate an ELPA autotune instance Parameters
Definition elpa.F90:460

More examples can be found in the folder "test", where Fortran and C example programs are stored