Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (ELPA)
Nadd_tmp | |
Ncheck_monotony | |
Ndistribute_global_column | |
Nelpa | Fortran module to use the ELPA library. No other module shoule be used |
Nelpa1_impl | Fortran module which provides the routines to use the one-stage ELPA solver |
Nelpa2_impl | Fortran module which provides the routines to use the 2-stage ELPA solver. Implementation only. Should not be used directly |
Nelpa_abstract_impl | Fortran module to provide an abstract definition of the implementation. Do not use directly. Use the module "elpa" |
Nelpa_api | Fortran module which provides the definition of the ELPA API. Do not use directly! Use the module "elpa" |
Nelpa_autotune_impl | |
Nelpa_impl | Fortran module which provides the actual implementation of the API. Do not use directly! Use the module "elpa" |
Nglobal_gather | |
Nglobal_product | |
Nmerge_recursive | |
Nmerge_systems | |
Nresort_ev | |
Nsolve_secular_equation | |
Nsolve_tridi | |
Ntransform_columns | |
Nv_add_s |