EigenvalueSoLversforPetaflop-Applications(ELPA)  2016.05.001
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  #include <complex.h>
10  int elpa_get_communicators(int mpi_comm_world, int my_prow, int my_pcol, int *mpi_comm_rows, int *mpi_comm_cols);
11  #include <complex.h>
20  int get_elpa_communicators(int mpi_comm_world, int my_prow, int my_pcol, int *mpi_comm_rows, int *mpi_comm_cols);
43  int elpa_solve_evp_real_1stage(int na, int nev, double *a, int lda, double *ev, double *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols);
66  int elpa_solve_evp_complex_1stage(int na, int nev, double complex *a, int lda, double *ev, double complex *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols);
92  int elpa_solve_evp_real_2stage(int na, int nev, double *a, int lda, double *ev, double *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols, int mpi_comm_all, int THIS_REAL_ELPA_KERNEL_API, int useQR);
118  int elpa_solve_evp_complex_2stage(int na, int nev, double complex *a, int lda, double *ev, double complex *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols, int mpi_comm_all, int THIS_COMPLEX_ELPA_KERNEL_API);
int elpa_solve_evp_complex_2stage(int na, int nev, double complex *a, int lda, double *ev, double complex *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols, int mpi_comm_all, int THIS_COMPLEX_ELPA_KERNEL_API)
C interface to solve the complex eigenvalue problem with 2-stage solver.
int elpa_get_communicators(int mpi_comm_world, int my_prow, int my_pcol, int *mpi_comm_rows, int *mpi_comm_cols)
C old, deprecated interface to create the MPI communicators for ELPA.
int elpa_solve_evp_complex_1stage(int na, int nev, double complex *a, int lda, double *ev, double complex *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols)
C interface to solve the complex eigenvalue problem with 1-stage solver.
int get_elpa_communicators(int mpi_comm_world, int my_prow, int my_pcol, int *mpi_comm_rows, int *mpi_comm_cols)
C interface to create the MPI communicators for ELPA.
int elpa_solve_evp_real_2stage(int na, int nev, double *a, int lda, double *ev, double *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols, int mpi_comm_all, int THIS_REAL_ELPA_KERNEL_API, int useQR)
C interface to solve the real eigenvalue problem with 2-stage solver.
int elpa_solve_evp_real_1stage(int na, int nev, double *a, int lda, double *ev, double *q, int ldq, int nblk, int matrixCols, int mpi_comm_rows, int mpi_comm_cols)
C interface to solve the real eigenvalue problem with 1-stage solver.